Sunday, November 27, 2011

Occupy Pittsbugh (Spot News Assignment)

Families came to the Occupy Pittsburgh protest at Market Square in Downtown Pittsburgh on Oct. 15, 2011.  The protest focused on economic, corporate, and social issues.

Many people used signs to get their point across at the Occupy Pittsburgh protest in Downtown Pittsburgh on Oct. 15, 2011.  The protest was to focus on economic, corporate, and social issues.

Occupy Pittsburgh held a protest throughout Downtown Pittsburgh that ended in a rally at Market Square on Oct. 15, 2011.  The protest was to focus on different economic, corporate, and social issues.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Election Day

James Poite has decided not to vote on Election Day in Pittsburgh, Pa at the Oak Hill Apartments Senior Building on Nov. 8, 2011.  Poite stated that he "doesn't know enough about the candidates to vote."

Arnetta Warield has been voting for 50 years and has continued the tradition on Election Day in Pittsburgh, Pa at the Oak Hill Apartments Senior Building on Nov. 8, 2011.  Warield has been voting because "it's the right thing to do."

Pauletta Hicks has voted on Election Day at the Oak Hill Apartments Senior Building in Pittsburgh, Pa on Nov. 8, 2011.  Hicks stated that "everyone should vote because there isn't a reason not to."

Friday, November 4, 2011

Code of Ethics

I would have to say that I am the Golden Rule.  I was a little uncomfortable being on the Pitt campus and photographing a Pitt student protest.

Pitt students marched into the Cathedral of Learning on Oct. 28, 2011 in Pittsburgh, PA.  The students are protesting against the cost of tuition.

Pitt students protest outside the chancellors office on Oct. 28, 2011 in Pittsburgh, PA.  The students are protesting against the rise in cost of tuition.

Pitt students gather outside of the Cathedral of Learning on Oct. 28, 2011 in Pittsburgh, PA.  The gathering was to protest against the rise in tuition cost.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Environmental Portraits

Dana Brandau, 20, explains her work ethic on Oct. 23, 2011 in Pittsburgh, Pa.  "I'm at college to get a job.  Not to party all weekend.  I have to keep my priorities straight and that means doing my homework and studying."  Dana is a double major in Accounting and Finance and minoring in Economic at the University of Pittsburgh.

Dana Brandau, 20, talks about how her extracurricular activities on Oct. 23, 2011 in Pittsburgh, Pa.  "I feel like all I do is go to school, do homework, and study."  That's because Dana is a double major in Accounting and Finance and Minoring in Economic at the University of Pittsburgh.

Dana Brandau, 20, explains why her only job right now is going to school on Oct. 23,2011 in Pittsburgh, Pa.  "I need every moment of free time I can get to work on assignments or study for the next exam.  School is a full-time job for me."  Dana is a double major in Accounting and Finance and minoring in Economic.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


University of New Mexicos' Cara Fisher (7) smacks the ball at the Sept. 16, 2011 volleyball game against University of Pittsburgh.  Pitt defeats UNM 3-2.

University of Pittsburghs' Monica Wignot (24) bumps the ball up at the Sept. 16, 2011 volleyball game against University of New Mexico.  Pitt defeats UNM 3-2.

University of New Mexicos' Ashley Newman (18) pops the ball up at the Sept. 16, 2011 volleyball game against University of Pittsburgh.  Pitt defeats UNM 3-2. 

Pittsburgh Zombie Fest (Feature Assignment)

Zombies invaded Market Square in Downtown Pittsburgh on Oct. 8, 2011.  The gathering of the undead was for the Pittsburgh Zombie Fest.

Hundreds of people dressed up as zombies to celebrate World Zombie Day at Market Square in Downtown Pittsburgh on Oct. 8, 2011.

Zombies gathered at Market Square in Downtown Pittsburgh on Oct. 8, 2011 to celebrate World Zombie Day.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Labor Day Parade (General News Assignment)

Family members came out to support the unions at the Labor Day Parade on Sept. 5, 2011 in Downtown Pittsburgh.  The rain did not stop unions from marching in the parade.

Iron Workers Local 3 had a parade float to demonstrate their skills at the Labor Day Parade on Sept. 5, 2011 in Downtown Pittsburgh.  The parade was attended by many different unions in the Pittsburgh area.

Amalgamated Transit Union walked in the Labor Day Parade on Sept. 5, 2011 in Downtown Pittsburgh.  The rain did not stop unions from marching in the parade in support of their cause.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/11 Memorial

Members of the Wesleyville Fire Department took part in the  9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at the Cathedral of Learning in Oakland on Sept. 11, 2011.  The Stair Climb was a part of a national program of stair climbs to benefit the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.

Two Members of the Grove City Volunteer Fire Department that attended the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at the Cathedral of Learning in Oakland on Sept. 11, 2011.  The Stair Climb was a part of a national program of stair climbs to benefit the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.

Members of the Wesleyville Fire Department begin their 22-story climb at the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb at the Cathedral of Learning in Oakland on Sept. 11, 2011.  The stair climb benefits the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.