Saturday, April 6, 2013

Final Studio Project

Studio Artist Statement

The idea for my final studio project can from my love of Irving Penn’s flower photographs.  He photographed the flowers on a simple white background.  But the flowers that he took photographs of were unique flowers that you just did not see in everyday life.

So my idea was to photographs ordinary flowers that you find in the supermarket.  They will be flowers that you see a lot and they are not very unique.  I wanted to see if I could photograph these everyday flowers and be able to make them beautiful and interesting just like Irving Penn did with his flower images. 

I decided to photograph the flowers on a simple white background just like Irving Penn.   I photographed the flowers with two beauty dishes one on the left side of the flowers and the other on the right to get an even distribution of the light on the flowers. 

I think that the images accomplished what I wanted because of the way that the flowers really stand out in the images.  And I think that I was able to make these ordinary flowers look beautiful.

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